Surrounded by Doubt
August 29, 2010 by Dan UnruhJohn 10:22-24 AM Service Jesus Christ has a unique relationship with God the Father
Death Swallowed Up in Victory
August 22, 2010 by Evangelist Todd Sivnksty1 Corinthians 15:51-58 AM Service
The Good Shepherd and the Father
August 15, 2010 by Dan UnruhJohn 10:14-18 AM Service Jesus Christ has a unique relationship with those who believe in Him
The Good Shepherd and the Hireling
August 8, 2010 by Dan UnruhJohn 10:11-13 AM Service Jesus Christ has a unique relationship with those who believe in Him
Bless the Lord!
August 1, 2010 by Joel Arnold, leader of the BJU Music Ministry TeamPsalm 103 AM Service Praise is all about God
When the Living Meet the Dead
July 25, 2010 by Dan Unruh1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 AM Service Sleeping saints and the rapture
The Door of the Sheep
July 18, 2010 by Dan UnruhJohn 10:7-10 AM Service Jesus has a unique relationship with those who believe in Him
The Shepherd and the Shysters
July 11, 2010 by Dan UnruhJohn 10:1-5 AM Service Jesus Christ has a unique relationship with those who believe in Him
Let Freedom Ring!
July 4, 2010 by Dan UnruhDeuteronomy 4:5-9 AM Service Essential Ingredients of Liberty
The Character of a Godly Father
June 20, 2010 by Dan UnruhJob 1 AM Service A godly father’s character will be seen in his example, priorities, and submission
Conduct in the Face of Conflict
June 13, 2010 by Dan UnruhPhilippians 1:27-30 AM Service Actions worthy of the Gospel of Christ