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Spirit-Filled Music Prophesies

August 28, 2011 by Skip Hunter

Eph 5:18-19

The Believer’s Resident Teacher

August 21, 2011 by Dan Unruh

John 14:25-26 AM Service Seeing Jesus’ departure from His perspective

Why the World Cannot Understand Christians

August 14, 2011 by Dan Unruh

John 14:22-24 AM Service Jesus Christ discriminates in making Himself known

Another Comforter

August 7, 2011 by Dan Unruh

John 14:15-21 AM Service The Promise of Another Comforter

Walk the Walk

July 31, 2011 by Skip Hunter

Ephesians AM Service Seven Characteristics of the Christian’s Walk

I Will Come to You

July 24, 2011 by Dan Unruh

John 14:15 AM Service The Promise of Another Comforter

Two Wonderful Promises

July 17, 2011 by Dan Unruh

John 14:11-14 AM Service What Jesus says to those who desire to see God the Father

Show Us the Father

July 10, 2011 by Dan Unruh

John 14:8-10 AM Service What Jesus says to those who desire to see God the Father

“How Do I Get to God?”

June 26, 2011 by Dan Unruh

John 14:4-7 AM Service The Exclusiveness of Christianity

A Wise Man’s Walk

June 19, 2011 by Dan Unruh

1 Kings 3:12 AM Service The importance of a man’s walk with God

I Go to Prepare a Place for You

June 12, 2011 by Dan Unruh

John 14:1-6 AM Service Characteristics of Heaven

Forbidden to Follow

June 5, 2011 by Dan Unruh

John 13:31-38 AM Service Crucial instructions from the departing Savior