Thanksgiving’s Relatives
November 20, 2011 by Dan UnruhEph. 5:18-21 AM Service Evidences of being full of the Spirit
Good Intentions
November 13, 2011 by Dan UnruhMatthew 21:28-32 AM Service The will of God accomplished
Chosen to be Frozen?
November 6, 2011 by Dan UnruhJohn 15:16-17 AM Service Jesus declares His will for His friends
My Friends
October 30, 2011 by Dan UnruhJohn 15:12-15 AM Service My Friends are those who abide in Me
The Key to Full Joy
October 23, 2011 by Dan UnruhJohn 15:8-11 AM Service “Abide in me” is the key to joy
The Key to Effectual Prayer
October 16, 2011 by Dan UnruhJohn 15:7 AM Service “Abide in Me” is the key to effectual praying
Victors and Victims
October 9, 2011 by Dan UnruhPhilippians 4:10-14 AM Service Victory over externals
ABIDE IN ME is the Key
October 2, 2011 by Dan UnruhJohn 15:1-6 AM Service The evidence of being a Christian is fruit: Christ-likeness
Authentic Christianity
September 25, 2011 by Dan UnruhJohn 15:1-6 AM Service The evidence of being a Christian is fruit: Christ-likeness
Ye Would Rejoice
September 18, 2011 by Dan UnruhJohn 14:28-31 AM Service Seeing Jesus’ departure from His perspective
He Took My Place
September 11, 2011 by Dan Unruh2 Corinthians 5:21 AM Service God’s word of reconciliation
Perfect Peace
September 4, 2011 by Dan UnruhJohn 14:27 AM Service Seeing Jesus’ departure from His perspective