Men’s Prayer Breakfasts and Fellowships
Realizing the importance of men taking the spiritual leadership in their homes and in the church, the men of Westside Baptist frequently meet at the church on Saturday mornings for a good time of “home-cooked” breakfast and fellowship followed by a short Bible study and time of prayer.  This prayer-time is specifically for requests that relate to the spiritual health and growth of Westside Baptist Church.  The young men of the church are often invited to join their fathers.

Ladies’ Fellowship
Our ladies meet for fellowship and fun on at least a quarterly basis from September to May.  We may meet at a member’s home for a game night, go on a field trip together, dress up for a tea, or simply meet at the church for a great time of fellowship and a challenge from God’s Word.

Children’s Ministry
Children are an heritage of the Lord” (Psalms 127:3). From September through May we offer Junior Church for age 4 through 6th grade during the morning worship service and a graded Bible Study program the Sunday School hour that follows.

Music Ministry
Westside Baptist believes that music should be God-honoring and we encourage our church members to get involved in glorifying the Lord with their gifts in music. You can find our church music philosophy by clicking HERE.