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“Fools Gold”

July 12, 2009 by Dan Unruh

Luke 21:1-4 AM Service Authoritative Appraising

The Proper Perspective of Life

July 5, 2009 by Dan Unruh

Colossians 3:1-4 AM Service Staying focused on what is really important

True Liberty

June 28, 2009 by Dan Unruh

Luke 4:18-19 AM Service A Declaration of Independence

Faith of Our Fathers

June 21, 2009 by Dan Unruh

Psalm 44 1-8

Unwavering Loyalty

June 7, 2009 by Dan Unruh

Dueteronomy 13 AM Service Loyalty to God above all else

The Light of the World

May 31, 2009 by Dan Unruh

John 8:12-20 AM Service The Testimony of Jesus Concerning Himself

Neglected Memorials

May 24, 2009 by Dan Unruh

Judges 2:7-10 AM Service Memorials that remind us of God and His works

From Now On No Longer Be Sinning

May 17, 2009 by Dan Unruh

John 8:1-11 AM Service On trial in the courtroom of Jesus Christ

A Generation that does not Bless Mothers

May 10, 2009 by Dan Unruh

Proverbs 30:11 AM Service This generation of fathers/husbands, churches, and children are not blessing their mothers

“This Same Jesus” — His Work on Earth

April 26, 2009 by Dan Unruh

Acts 1:1-11 AM Service The Work of our Ascended Lord on Earth

“This Same Jesus”–His Work in Heaven

April 19, 2009 by Dan Unruh

Acts 1:1-11 AM Service The Work of Our Ascended Lord in Heaven

The King is Coming

April 5, 2009 by Dan Unruh

John 12:12-19 AM Service The Presentation of the King